2010年5月12日 星期三

VMware ESXi NIC Teaming 網卡聚合

網卡 (NIC:Network Interface Card)聚合(NIC Teaming)意思就是把若干個網卡規整到一個網卡上。如果配置合理的話,VMware ESXi上面的網卡聚合可以同時為客體虛擬機提供入站和出站的負載均衡(Load Balancing)。負載均衡(Load Balancing)使得把多個可用網卡均分到更多的服務器上,因此即使在一個網卡、電纜或者交換機出現故障時,能允許客體虛擬機持續運行的情況下完成故障轉移。
You can connect a single virtual switch to multiple physical Ethernet adapters using the VMware Infrastructure feature called NIC Teaming. A team can share the load of traffic between physical and virtual networks among some or all of its members and provide passive failover in the event of a hardware failure or a network outage.

To utilize NIC teaming, two or more network adapters must be uplinked to a virtual switch. The main advantages of NIC teaming are:
  • Increased network capacity for the virtual switch hosting the team.
  • Passive failover in the event one of the adapters in the team goes down. 

To configure NIC teaming using the VMware Infrastructure Client:
  1. Highlight the host and click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click the Networking link.
  3. Click Properties next to the virtual switch.
  4. On the Ports tab, highlight the name of the virtual switch and click Add.
  5. Select the appropriate network adapters and click Next.
  6. Ensure the selected adapters are under Active Adapters.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. On the Ports tab, highlight the name of the virtual switch and click Edit.
  10. Click the NIC Teaming tab.
  11. The default load balancing policy is Route based on the originating virtual port ID. If the physical switch is using link aggregation, Route based on IP hash load balancing must be used.
 For more information:
VMware Virtual Networking Concepts
NIC Teaming configuration video

